You might be a geologist carrying out surveys for an oil company, a National Park ranger responsible for mapping habitats, or a Biology or Geography teacher who has to communicate ideas such as climate change and renewable energy to your students in an English-medium class.

Scotland is a beautiful country facing a number of environmental issues.

Some of the questions we have to deal with on a regular basis are:

  • How can we best protect our wildlife?

  • How can we encourage tourism while ensuring that fragile sites are not damaged?

  • How can we balance our energy requirements with maintaining the character of our landscape?

  • How can we explain issues to the public in a way that is clear and informative?

  • How can we manage our waste sustainably?

  • How can we improve public transport provision?

Edinburgh is a cosmopolitan city set within an interesting geographical landscape.

What exactly is Environmental English?

Environmental concerns may be local but are often global, and so a good knowledge of one of the most widely spoken global languages, English, is vital for effective participation in meetings, presentations, negotiations and conferences.

The language used in an environmental context can be different from the more general English often used in everyday social communication. You will need to be familiar with specific scientific terms, as well as being able to communicate difficult concepts effectively. Your needs will depend on you area of expertise; for example, a marine biologist will have different requirements from an energy consultant.

How will an Environmental English course help?

An effective Environmental English course will teach you how to use English accurately and appropriately in your professional working life. This is not only by learning English vocabulary relevant to your area of expertise, but also by developing the relevant skills of presenting, negotiating, meetings and writing.

Environmental English in Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland

ECS Scotland provides Environmental English courses in Edinburgh throughout the year. Courses are held as a Combination Course, which means combining a small group general speaking and listening English class in the mornings, with 1-to-1 Environmental English classes in the afternoons.

You will be sent a Needs Analysis form before arrival and are asked to tell us exactly what type of environmental context you work in and what you would like to cover on the course. It may be possible to arrange visits to places of interest, such as the Seabird Centre or a Scottish Wildlife Trust Reserve, or special attention can be paid to the Scottish oil industry or the development of renewable energy resources.

Our teachers are professional English teachers with many years of experience in teaching Specific English courses to adults from all over the world. Your Environmental English teacher will also have a background in Environmental Science and a continuing interest in environmental topics, to allow you to explore a range of issues.

Environmental English courses are available to start any Monday and can last for one week or more. Courses can be for 10 or 30 hours per week.

Environmental English course options

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