Watch the video and see if you can answer the questions

Presentation Phrases Quiz

What phrases can be used at the start of a presentation?
  • Let me start by giving you some background information...
  • As you're aware...
What phrases can be used to signal a transition between topics?
  • Let's move on to our next key point...
  • Let's turn our attention to...
What phrases can be used to give more details?
  • I'd like to expand on this point by saying....
  • Let me elaborate further...
What are some linking phrases?
  • As I said at the beginning
  • As I said before
What are some phrases to use in order to emphasise a point?
  • The significance of this is....
  • This is important because...
What phrases can be used to explain visuals?
  • I'd like to illustrate this point by showing you...
  • This chart shows the breakdown of...
What are some phrases to use to finish your presentation?
  • Let me sum up my main points
  • Thank you for your attention